Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Curbing Visas

Boston sparks debate

US Senate Important Immigration Plan

This news article was very interesting to me because there were changes in the Immigration Law, and it also talked about how people reacted to this. 

"The United States Senate is set to take an important step toward establishing landmark protections for unauthorized immigrants. The plan could grant eventual legal status to millions of people and reduce their vulnerability to human rights abuses."

Allison Parker, US Program Director states: 
“Prosecutions of migrant crossers are unnecessary and wasteful when deportation is already permitted,” Parker said. “The US government should not misdirect its energies and resources to prosecute and imprison people seeking to reunite with family, flee violence, or seek work.”

Crowds of immigrants protest in favor of understanding the changes of the immigration reform in Washington DC on April 10, 2013: