Monday, April 29, 2013

Obama Visits Mexico

This article is interesting because it opens up talking about gun control and gun violence in Mexico. President Obama visited Mexico earlier in hopes of helping the immigration reform. Overhauling America’s immigration system is a priority for President Obama. He made this clear in his second inaugural address. The achievement of this is to one day have migrants live in the United States and support the country through their hard work, their labor, the things they purchase, and the taxes that they pay.

Alabama Immigration Law

I found this article interesting because it is the debate over whether it is acceptable to harbor, to house or take in, illegal immigrants. The Federal Government is saying they control immigration laws not Alabama or any other state laws. This is upheld due to lower circuit courts decision. The Alabama law is being challenged.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Irish Immigration and Discrimination 19th century

I found a few things documented how the irish were discriminated against when they first immigrated to the U.S.
This is one of the famous signs that would be posted in front shops windows:

This is a short video showing a few different images.

 This is a political cartoon depicted that many people stereotyped the Irish as lazy.

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Another politcal cartoon depicted the Irish as drunks.
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This cartoon actually says they thought the Irish were a decent from the Negro race. This is interesting because it relates to our book Working Toward Whiteness.
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Immigration Questionnaire

On the US immigration website where you could apply for citizenship they had a three question questionnaire a person could take as a pre-screening if you would qualify or not. The three questions were:
Is the person applying for citizenship over 18? Y/N
Is the applicant a Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder)?Y/N
Does the applicant currently have a Green Card (Permanent Resident Car)? Y/N

I took the quiz a few different times and most of the time the result was that I would probably not qualify but could still fill out an application if I wanted too.
I thought was interesting because although now more accesible it is still hard to aquire citizenship.

U.S. Citizen Application Online

At this link I found where a person can start the application process online to become a U.S. citizen. I found this interesting because of how accessible it is to the general public because its readily available on the Internet. This is a sharp contrast of how hard to was to even get ahold of applications like this in the past when certain nationalities weren't even allowed in this country.